Thursday, April 28, 2011

Vacation to Bali ,Indonesia

Bali is the name of a province in Indonesia and the island nation is also the name of the largest islands that are part of the province. Bali province composed of islands smaller in the vicinity.

Bali lies between Java and Lombok Island. The provincial capital Denpasar Bali is located on the southern island. The majority of Balinese are Hindu. Bali is famous as a tourist destination with a unique variety of cultural arts. especially for Japanese and Australian tourists. Bali is also known as Thousand Island Island of the Gods and temples.

Bali is a tourist spot with a panoramic view of nature, overlooking the beach and sea. The uniqueness of this beach is the beach area which is surrounded by hills, sand-colored very ptih and very sparsely attended, especially on weekdays. Kuta beach lombok not seem to have much dieksplitasi by local government to be a leading tourist destination in addition to Senggigi beach whose name is already global.

Kuta beach has become one of the destinations, lodgings are comfortable, and easy access to food, make Kuta beach one of the resorts and one choice for holiday. ok happy vacation :-).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What Has France's New President Done For The Country

This surely cannot be a good time for any new bod in government to try and prove himself? A recession is threatening the world over and all leaders are being held responsible but take a closer look. This has to be one of the hardest jobs on earth and we all need to remember that, although the buck stops firmly with the leaders, they are only human and we all need to do our bit.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been greeted with mixed feelings. His popularity among the ladies is no secret and he is on his third marriage, two of which were statuesque models so he must have certain something. He has been ribbed for his fashion statements but surely this is of no concern to us? If he runs his country well and does his best for the people of France, why should anyone care what watch or suit he wears?

More important are his political views on how he can help the economy so that it doesn't get sucked into the downward spiral of recession with no foreseeable way out. Sarkozy wants to revive the work ethic and this hasn't been that popular. But at the expense of losing popularity he knows that hard work is essential to re-building the economy.

Sarkozy has also introduced the idea of French leaseback. Tax allowances on French leaseback properties are to encourage more people into businesses of their own. It also goes a long way to making the nation a nation of property owners, one of Sarkozy's visions and not such an easy target with today's property market like it is.

A French leaseback property will provide tax advantages to those buying property with a view to providing an accommodation service to others. It is a way of easing the housing situation for those in need, such as students and the elderly and provides the investor with a way of saving huge amounts on a property while leaving themselves with a retirement place for the future.

As well as the property advantages, it also encourages the work ethic and opens the way for foreign investors. Overseas residents who wish to invest in a French leaseback property are free to do so, enjoying the same tax advantages as the French and also having the added advantage of possibly providing jobs to the French.
Sarkozys opinions on immigrants have left the people of France divided. Whilst wishing to curb illegal immigration, he also wants to integrate skilled migrants into French society. I, for one, cannot see the problem in this and think he has the right idea.

Or, he could behave like the British and just let anyone in to do whatever they want and not contribute towards the good of the country.

The French premier's understanding of immigration is obvious when you look at his background as the son of a Hungarian immigrant and French mother of Greek Jewish decent. He grew up in France, training as a lawyer but has typically British political leanings. Maybe this early education aided his attitude towards French leaseback which not only helps his own nation but foreigners who wish to invest in his country.

Known country wide as a hard worker, Mr Sarkozy is a fine example for any government to follow - not taking the easiest, most popular route but knowing his own mind and his own country and following his own ideas to the best of his ability. And surely this is why he got the job in the first place.

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